I would like to show you some reasons as to why people do not advance in SFI.
1. The communication problem due to language barrier which I faced a lot of times with my PSAs.
2. People have sometimes financial issues that restricts them from scoring points that can win them a team leader badge.
3. Also if they dont get profits early they start thinking that its a waste of time.
4. People do not follow the SFI rules of Success and they never focus on strategies that can make them expand their business. As I think you need to give your business a thought that helps in expanding it and benefiting more and more. in short failing to plan is nothing but palnning to fail.
5. sometimes PSAs think that whatever is told to them from their Sponsor about earning doesn't work and they don't realise that if they don't do as they are told then they cannot succeed.
6.people think that their profit should be atleast equivalent to the amount they have spent.
7. LACK OF INFO. this is very important as they do not understand the system properly and in the number of ways they can earn and advance to higher levels.
8.Sometimes when people do not get profit even after spending months in SFI they start thinking that its like other online business a fake. (for example, your PSA gave a STANDING ORDER of IAHBE. then his team will grow but if he is not guiding them at every small step then his PSAs won't work and he wont be benefited which can make him/her thrown back).
I would like to show you some reasons as to why people do not advance in SFI.
1. The communication problem due to language barrier which I faced a lot of times with my PSAs.
2. People have sometimes financial issues that restricts them from scoring points that can win them a team leader badge.
3. Also if they dont get profits early they start thinking that its a waste of time.
4. People do not follow the SFI rules of Success and they never focus on strategies