Most likely the vast majority of folks looking for some extra income don't have the cash to spend on something without an "immediate" return. For those folks suggest selling some things they don't need on TripleClicks to generate some sales. They can use that income for whatever they want. Hopefully, investing in their SFI business. But either way they earn.
Work with those PSAs that are workers. That will build your SFI business. Wasting time with folks who for whatever reason, show no potential or interest after signing up can be a real wast of time. If your welcome letters and other communication was ignored, you're probably on a bridge to no where.
Use team email to get regular messages to everyone and when you see someone working to improve their SFI business, let them know you are here to help. If you don't have any "workers" then spend your time on getting some rather than spin your wheels on those who are not interested. At some point they may decide they will become active, but don't spend too much time worrying about this.
Realize that SFI is not for everyone. As much as you would like the world to be your downline, it's unrealistic to operate with that as your business plan.
Work with the workers, be there for others but let them know that they must put in the time and hopefully some money (if possible) to make this work.
Most likely the vast majority of folks looking for some extra income don't have the cash to spend on something without an "immediate" return. For those folks suggest selling some things they don't need on TripleClicks to generate some sales. They can use that income for whatever they want. Hopefully, investing in their SFI business. But either way they earn.
Work with those PSAs that are workers. That will build your SFI business. Wasting time with folks who for whatever reason, ...more