This is a very crucial question. Many who have started well during their first month stopped in their second month because of the reason that they can not earn commission fast to jump-start their SFI business.
It is important then, to immediately look at the sources of income and determine which of them can be easily earned.
For me, the best and fastest income is the 45% direct commission from the purchases of your PSA and PRM. Selling product to non-SFI members (PRM) however, is a little bit difficult, so the easier people to buy is your PSA.
It is important then to have active PSA's as early as possible (during the first month) so that on the second month you already have commission to sustain your SFI business.
How can you have this active affiliates in your first month? There are two characteristics of a potential active PSA.
1) He is naturally inclined to earning online, meaning he's been involve in any kind of earning online before or at present.
2) He has done online purchase before, either using his credit cards or paypal.
Look for this type of people from your network of relationships. They could be family or relatives and friends or just an acquaintance and explain SFI to them.
This is exactly what I did, I got two of friends signed up and they start buying from TripleClicks on the same month that I joined SFI.
This is a very crucial question. Many who have started well during their first month stopped in their second month because of the reason that they can not earn commission fast to jump-start their SFI business.
It is important then, to immediately look at the sources of income and determine which of them can be easily earned.
For me, the best and fastest income is the 45% direct commission from the purchases of your PSA and PRM. Selling product to non-SFI members (PRM) however,