Personally I love SFIM for two reasons;
1. It gives me the opportunity to get instant feed back. I am able to know whether the person I am communicating is understanding what I want to say.
2. I am able to provide help to my downline and if I am communicating with my upline I can get a quick advice from them.
I always try to be available to my affiliates both downline and upline whenever some one request for instant messaging.
By best tip is: Small, to the point sentences like we are talking face to face or on telephone will make this conversation friendly, helpful and useful.
Personally I love SFIM for two reasons;
1. It gives me the opportunity to get instant feed back. I am able to know whether the person I am communicating is understanding what I want to say.
2. I am able to provide help to my downline and if I am communicating with my upline I can get a quick advice from them.
I always try to be available to my affiliates both downline and upline whenever some one request for instant messaging.