Communication is the key. One has to make contact with the dormant affiliate in some fashion. Team Mail, personal e-mail, social network sites such as Face Book, Twitter. Whatever mode works, the message should show true interest in the welfare of the dormant affiliate and as to why they are choosing not to work the SFI business model. Point out how, regardless of their current circumstances, SFI can work for them. Be sure and make it "real" without false promises. Offer your help and be genuine in this.
To your success and mine ...
Communication is the key. One has to make contact with the dormant affiliate in some fashion. Team Mail, personal e-mail, social network sites such as Face Book, Twitter. Whatever mode works, the message should show true interest in the welfare of the dormant affiliate and as to why they are choosing not to work the SFI business model. Point out how, regardless of their current circumstances, SFI can work for them. Be sure and make it "real" without false promises. Offer your help and be ...more