Splash Page may not be the good idea to promote SFI because the "Website that increases page load time, encourages people to leave the site."
If you use a Splash Page, the purpose of this should be:
A). To set a mood for the rest of the site or reinforce a brand.
B). It usually consists of an eye-catching graphic and little or no actual content.
C). Like a book cover, the splash page is designed to intrigue visitors and entice them to enter the site and learn more.
D). Add "Click Here To Enter" link in the page as the visitors new to the Internet may not understand that they're supposed to click on the graphic to enter the site; a text link removes any question. It also gives visitors the chance to click past the Splash Page instead of waiting for the image to load completely.
E). Optimize Graphics file size to decrease the time to taken to load the Splash Page.
Splash Page may not be the good idea to promote SFI because the "Website that increases page load time, encourages people to leave the site."
If you use a Splash Page, the purpose of this should be:
A). To set a mood for the rest of the site or reinforce a brand.
B). It usually consists of an eye-catching graphic and little or no actual content.
C). Like a book cover, the splash page is designed to intrigue visitors and ...more