This is indeed a difficult question to address, but let me try based on my own experience.
I have 69 CSAs, out of which only 8 were active. Of these 4 seem to have become dormant recently. This is a bit discouraging, as it does reflect on me to some extent as the Co-sponsor. So how do I tackle the situation ? There could the following strategies:
1. Send them personal mails and try and find out what ails them.
2. Give them "pep talks' and try to motivate them to resume their activities.
3. Send them TC Gift Cards as an incentive.
4. Try and help them resolve the problem they face.
5. Chat with them on Skype and get on a One-to-one counseling.
I am glad you asked this question at this time. I am going to jolly well try these methods and see the results. Wish me luck !
This is indeed a difficult question to address, but let me try based on my own experience.
I have 69 CSAs, out of which only 8 were active. Of these 4 seem to have become dormant recently. This is a bit discouraging, as it does reflect on me to some extent as the Co-sponsor. So how do I tackle the situation ? There could the following strategies:
1. Send them personal mails and try and find out what ails them.
2. Give them "pep talks' and try to motivate them ...more