Keep on sending them weekly team mails. Get their personal emails from their leadership page and contact them personally.
Note that you are not allowed to contact Affiliates if they have been terminated, eliminated or opted out.
All you can do really, is encourage them through regular support, ask them how they would like you to help them. Be there for them and advice them not to give up.
Explain to them, show them how you've benefited from SFI, and how they can also be successful in it.
Provide them incentives, like reassignments of PSA's under them, Tcredits and gift cards if they reach a certain goal they you set for them.
Know that you already show great leadership, when seeking ways to support your downline, and all you can do is to be there for them and support them. They should be the ones to "want" to be in it and work for it.
So don't feel too bad if you're not successful to bring them back and be active. You've done your best.
To your success. :)
Keep on sending them weekly team mails. Get their personal emails from their leadership page and contact them personally.
Note that you are not allowed to contact Affiliates if they have been terminated, eliminated or opted out.
All you can do really, is encourage them through regular support, ask them how they would like you to help them. Be there for them and advice them not to give up.
Explain to them, show them how you've benefited from SFI, and how they can