Honestly. I wish i could start over again if time would rewinds back because this is the best opportunity i have ever encountered in my life. When i joined, i doubted the whole thing and never made it to become a fast track affiliate. When i look at my badges now, it rings in my mind that i will never ever get that badge again but i keep looking for other badges.
So this is what i would do if i am to join again today.
1. Make sure i equip myself with the operational knowledge that is in SFI launchpad training. Print out all the lessons so that i can always go through them over and over again before i sleep.
2. Create a standing order of Tcredit as soon as i can of over 1500vp so as to become and maintain EA status every month.
3. Focus in one program and that would be sponsoring.
4. Start by marketing my sponsoring link to my warm market (friends and family)then afterwards i would market in targeted advertising.
5. Teach my down-line to do the same thing i am doing and wait for duplication.
I am sure if i had done that from the word go, i would be very far in terms of my commissions now. But its never to late and i keep my head up.
Hope that helps.
Kind regards
Honestly. I wish i could start over again if time would rewinds back because this is the best opportunity i have ever encountered in my life. When i joined, i doubted the whole thing and never made it to become a fast track affiliate. When i look at my badges now, it rings in my mind that i will never ever get that badge again but i keep looking for other badges.
So this is what i would do if i am to join again today.
1. Make sure i equip myself with the operational