There is no one great one-liner for SFI that can or should be used in a general advertisement but rather there are many.
It really depends on what part of SFI you want your add to focus on, and who your targeted audience is or will be. There are many great resources at your disposal on the SFI website where you can find idea that can help you answer the mere question your are looking to answer.
As an example, in the Marketing section under "Text Ads for Sponsoring Affiliates", you will find several sample text ads for consumption.
Another idea or area to find ideas would be to review your landing pages, other suggested SFI marketing materials, example PSA mailers, forum posts, etc. All these resources at your disposal will lead you to finding either already created for your advertising resources or these resources will give you ideas that you can utilize to generate in your own mind what you feel the best one liner would be for your targeted audience and get that approved for advertising.
A quick example of custom ads would be you could take a phrase here and there from many SFI marketing materials and create a marketing statement or one-liner like:
"Aim high, dream big, and take action today and get your online business started, for free, working with the most successful affiliate system ever so you, too, can protect your financial future and earn a true passive, real Internet income just like thousands of others all around the globe, 24x7 where there are no limits except you and sky...."
This is just a quick crude example but creativity was the point that I was trying to make. Hopefully, my enthusiasm did not go to go overboard.
I hope this provided some guidance for you.
There is no one great one-liner for SFI that can or should be used in a general advertisement but rather there are many.
It really depends on what part of SFI you want your add to focus on, and who your targeted audience is or will be. There are many great resources at your disposal on the SFI website where you can find idea that can help you answer the mere question your are looking to answer.
As an example, in the Marketing section under "Text Ads for Sponsoring