Excellent Question, I would have to say BOTH! Why? Let me explain my point of view:
Being an entrepreneur, and having a business requires an exact plan to achieve your goals,success is not just a lucky break. So every step you take should be well balance an previously prepared.
Your first impression should be as good enough to leave on your prospect "eagerness" to follow up and look for more, at this point you should always refer and show how this program works, but best of all how it has worked for you in particular. Remember you are not a salesperson, you are a businessman or a businesswoman with a possible solution for his or her situation and best of all you are offering a great opportunity.
After that the follow up should be schedule no in an strict way, "just for business" you should invite your prospect for a "relaxing cup of coffee" so he can see the way your life it has changed for better, probably even show him or her how do you work and use the program.
In case of online prospect a nice chat or skype from now and then just to show a little bit of your "achievements".
As far as I understand, this is an everyday task, and should be perform strictly within a good planning. Remember this business is duplication, so you want to build a team of people that fully understand what is involved. At the end of the day two words "Communication and Service".
So I insist in telling you BOTH are important there can not be one without the other!
Have a Very Successful Day... SEE YOU AT THE TOP!!!
Excellent Question, I would have to say BOTH! Why? Let me explain my point of view:
Being an entrepreneur, and having a business requires an exact plan to achieve your goals,success is not just a lucky break. So every step you take should be well balance an previously prepared.
Your first impression should be as good enough to leave on your prospect "eagerness" to follow up and look for more, at this point you should always refer and show how this program works, but