Under the SFI policy, you are only able to reassign an affiliate when you become a Team Leader. After reassignment, the reassigned affiliate become the new PSA of the receiving affiliate. We are only able to reassign once and it is an irreversible action, in that you cannot take back your reassigned PSA. I have to make this clarification because I have seen a similar question ''pop up'' in the forum before.
Why would a Team Leader want to reassign an affiliate when he/she earns the largest matches on the affiliate on the first generation? The reason is ‘’leverage’’.
The ideal SFI model entails team leaders to have 5 active Team Leaders as PSAs. The more team leaders you have in your genealogy, the more security you build for yourself. Each team leaders build their own active downline which is also a part of your team!
And so the networks of generation continue to grow to enviable proportions. We all know that, in the long term, you are better off with five Team Leaders on your frontline, than 25 EAs, or even 50 EAs.
As a ''rule of thumb'' if you don't have many personally sponsored Executive Affiliates (EA), you may not want to use the reassignment tool yet. This is because developing and maintaining EAs help you earn enough VersaPoints to qualify as a Team Leader (TL). In other words, if you want to keep receiving all the benefits of being a TL, you don't want to give away too many of your personally sponsored EAs.
Thus, "As a new Team Leader, how do you know when you have enough PSA's to reassign to your downline?"
You should know this when you have at least 5 active and committed Team Leaders in your first generation as PSAs. Reassignment though not compulsory, is a very good tool to encourage commitment and team building.
It is my humble submission that affiliate reassignment is a strategy and a great tool every one of us Team Leaders should begin to think about and possibly act upon. It is better to have 5 Team Leaders in your frontline than 25 or more EAs.
Thank you for reading.
Under the SFI policy, you are only able to reassign an affiliate when you become a Team Leader. After reassignment, the reassigned affiliate become the new PSA of the receiving affiliate. We are only able to reassign once and it is an irreversible action, in that you cannot take back your reassigned PSA. I have to make this clarification because I have seen a similar question ''pop up'' in the forum before.
Why would a Team Leader want to reassign an affiliate when he/she earns the largest