Creativity to promote a business is essential for not only SFI but for any on-line and off-line business.
Personally, I have found success by simply listening to people when I am with them at coffee shoppes, at work, even at BBQ parties at home. Typically I will inquire with people about things they like and what they are currently pursuing - what is their focus in life. A focus for people may be living healthier, attempting to make more "green choices" or even attempting to improve their work habits - business networking.
Once an individual shares their focus and delves into what strategies they have used thus far, I will then discuss other "tools" that can help them achieve their transformation by sharing the products that TripleClicks has to offer for each of the subject areas mentioned above.
During social gatherings, if someone shares their focus as "I am looking into ways to supplement my income" or " I want something else than what I am currently working in" - I will inquire about making time to meet to discuss SFI as a way to fulfil this focus.
Simply put, it is important to be an active listener in social gatherings as this will help you to find ways to help others through the use of TripleClicks and SFI.
Creativity to promote a business is essential for not only SFI but for any on-line and off-line business.
Personally, I have found success by simply listening to people when I am with them at coffee shoppes, at work, even at BBQ parties at home. Typically I will inquire with people about things they like and what they are currently pursuing - what is their focus in life. A focus for people may be living healthier, attempting to make more "green choices" or even attempting to ...more