The benefit of nan-active assigned affiliates is that any time they may start up.
Your upline should NOT offload old non working affiliates, but often if your upline (and many do) get hundreds of affiliates in a day from an advertising campaign, they take 10 and give to each of their downline as incentive to get started or get moving. They cannot select only working ones as nobody knows when they first come in if they will ever work at all, and they are FREE to you, so treat them like fresh affiliates as they are until they to out.
In some cases if you do NOT have any downline this opens up the opportunity for your geneology messages of 30 VP a week.
All affiliates will not work hard, and some may never sign in again, but you will find that one in a bunch who will become a star, so treat each as a potential star.
Accept these as a gift, and learn to develop your email messages of help and encouragement, with you will use over and over again, so remember to save a copy.
All part of a great learning process and potentially a wonder affiliate, so enjoy.
The benefit of nan-active assigned affiliates is that any time they may start up.
Your upline should NOT offload old non working affiliates, but often if your upline (and many do) get hundreds of affiliates in a day from an advertising campaign, they take 10 and give to each of their downline as incentive to get started or get moving. They cannot select only working ones as nobody knows when they first come in if they will ever work at all, and they are FREE to you, so treat them like