I think this question is crucial to the smooth running of a business. In my humble opinion, there are several reasons to want to push an affiliate abandon the business in which he freely undertook. To solve the problem, we must first seek the reasons that pushes affiliated with abandon. The question may want to give up because at the sight of how IFC, he finds it difficult to succeed in this business because it requires a lot of time and money and this is one of the real reasons for the discouragement of the affiliate and abandonment following. There are times when the affiliate is not at all serious in all his everyday life. In such a situation, it will be difficult to change because it will take nothing seriously, whatever the arguments you propose to convince him to stay. In this case, do not waste your time with such a person. In all cases you should try through the media to deter affiliate business by dropping the arguments based on his own experience to SFI. And if the member wants to be truly successful it will return with good intentions, but otherwise let it take its decision. This should never do is give false arguments compel the business to remain affiliated costs. Must submit the SFI compensation plan. You can also give him a precise and succinct summary of the procedure of IFC and its operation. Indeed, many affiliates give up because they do not know where to start with a ton of documentation they find on the site. One more thing, for those affiliates who do not speak English, it will mean that their language should not be a handicap to their progress in this business. After that get them to use translation tools such as Google Translate to solve this problem. It should also convey our enthusiasm and faith in this business. What we must remember ultimately it is you have to be diplomatic in our strategy of persuasion say what is true, try to find the reasons for the abandonment, find answers to these and leave all the freedom to affiliate to stay or not to stay in business. In any event, following our approach, if you are sure you have done everything they could to convince the affiliate, this is essential! I hope I have tried to help solve this thorny problem by my modest contribution.
I think this question is crucial to the smooth running of a business. In my humble opinion, there are several reasons to want to push an affiliate abandon the business in which he freely undertook. To solve the problem, we must first seek the reasons that pushes affiliated with abandon. The question may want to give up because at the sight of how IFC, he finds it difficult to succeed in this business because it requires a lot of time and money and this is one of the real reasons for the discouragement ...more