With these questions we encounter every day. Much more affiliate gives up, much less them start working. In my opinion, you should have once again try to explain them all the benefits of working in SFI, paragraph by paragraph to explain the compensation plan, offer them your wholehearted support and assistance. Maybe it would be effective and offer a reward if you reach an agreed goal. But if they do not respond your offers of help you need to use 4th rule SFI Rules of Success:
Work with the workers.
Send them a week or month team message, but does not waste time thinking about them. When they wake up and ask for advice then make an effort to be around them.
I hope I helped
I wish you many more workers than quiters
With these questions we encounter every day. Much more affiliate gives up, much less them start working. In my opinion, you should have once again try to explain them all the benefits of working in SFI, paragraph by paragraph to explain the compensation plan, offer them your wholehearted support and assistance. Maybe it would be effective and offer a reward if you reach an agreed goal. But if they do not respond your offers of help you need to use 4th rule SFI Rules of Success: