Hello Bolajoko great question
If one of your team members does not want to continue his or her business you could try to convince them to stay by showing them the benefits of SFI compared to other types of businesses online https://www.sfimg.com/ReviewSIM/SFIComparisonChart.pdf as well as our compensation plan https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/CompPlan then you could also tell them about your success so far with SFI and explain that it takes time and some efforts as well as persistence and dedication to their business, just like a regular bricks and mortar establishment the same apply's to our SFI business if they don't show up everyday how can they expect to see anything in return, the business would not thrive. Please remember what you put into your business is what you will get out of it (no work or efforts = no money) also you could offer them a Tcredit bonus for each month that they decide to stick with it or become EA2. Also you can offer to transfer some of your psa's to them as a way to show that this is a serious business. One other thing you could do is to offer them a share in a co-op that you started(if you have not started one yet why not start one) and add them to it. https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/TLCoop
I know it can be hard to convince them to stay with SFI but with a little pressure and a little time and persistence they can be convinced to stay This company (SFI) is the ONLY one that I have found to be legitimate and long term income not just some fly by night scam or ponzi scheme and just explain to him/her that there is no other business out there any where that offers what we get for FREE so no matter how bleak and desperate things might look we have to look towards the long-term (big picture) view and not tunnel vision
hope this has been helpful
see you at the top
Hello Bolajoko great question
If one of your team members does not want to continue his or her business you could try to convince them to stay by showing them the benefits of SFI compared to other types of businesses online https://www.sfimg.com/ReviewSIM/SFIComparisonChart.pdf as well as our compensation plan https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/CompPlan then you could also tell them about your success so far with SFI and explain that it takes time and some efforts as well as persistence and dedication ...more