Indexing in search engines. Probably most visitors will come to your blog through search engines like Google or Yahoo. If your blog is hosted by one of the popular platforms (like Blogger or WordPress), registration in search engines will be done automatically. That does not mean you can not speed up the application process, which otherwise may take up to a month ... Here are five simple steps to follow for indexing in Google, no matter where it is hosted blog:
# 1. Start by sending your site url Google index, although this does not guarantee indexing step, not bad at all, especially since it only takes a few seconds.
# 2. Then register on Google Webmaster Tools and add the URL of your blog.
# 3. Send a sitemap (basically a file that contains all the individual pages of the blog), by visiting "Sitemaps" from the Google Webmaster Tools page.
# 4. Google will add as soon as possible in the blog index. You can check if you entered into Google by typing "site:" in the Google search bar (eg is search for "site:" ").
# 5. Do not neglect other search engines. Until one another, search engines like Yahoo, Live or Yandex Okidoki grandis have a number of users and you need to attract as many of them: the Internet does not end with Google.
Indexing in search engines. Probably most visitors will come to your blog through search engines like Google or Yahoo. If your blog is hosted by one of the popular platforms (like Blogger or WordPress), registration in search engines will be done automatically. That does not mean you can not speed up the application process, which otherwise may take up to a month ... Here are five simple steps to follow for indexing in Google, no matter where it is hosted blog:
# 1. Start by sending your