They adviced me that I must do the business everyday as there are daily activities that earns me points.If you visit Homepage and read all the red labelled headings and press the blue button at the end of each you earn 11 which =(330 per month).The 30 days Launchpads escalated my points tremendously as I grabed 15 points after reading each launchpad a day. They also told me to do my personal profile and finish it to grab 150 points.I also check the stream to post for my team messages timeously as you must no exceed 3 days wthout posting. By so doing I get 10 points.Visiting trippleclicks and checking the deals to buy with T-credits and MRP's in auctions.All this I do through the advice from the upline especially Mabel Fareaka and mostly Len Berghoef.Guys keep up the Good work of informing us.Moreover if you read the information about this business all the time you will find for yourself information that will earn your credits all the way, should you practise what you were told to do.
They adviced me that I must do the business everyday as there are daily activities that earns me points.If you visit Homepage and read all the red labelled headings and press the blue button at the end of each you earn 11 which =(330 per month).The 30 days Launchpads escalated my points tremendously as I grabed 15 points after reading each launchpad a day. They also told me to do my personal profile and finish it to grab 150 points.I also check the stream to post for my team messages timeously as ...more