When your affiliates ask how to be successful in SFI with no investment of money you determine their commitment level and move forward from there. To determine this ask open ended questions. For example, tell me what you hope to accomplish this month in your SFI business? How much time can you commit to learning thr business? When do you anticipate that you will be able to make an investment of cash? It is important for you as the sponsor to ask enough questions to determine your best course of action.
Once determine the approach, give the affiliate a few pointers at a time. Be certain to follow up with this affiliate to help keep them on task. While achieving success is possible without cash, its a path that is going to require an intense level of focus and consistency. As you progress forward keep adding more task with incentives and dead lines. Literally "spoon feed" this affiliate until the are ready to go it without your constant guidance. Reassure the affiliate by providing the necessary tools to grow their business.
In essence, when you have affiliates that don't have clear understanding of how they can achieve SFI success with no money follow this:
1. Clarify the goal.
2. Develop a plan of action that will take you in the right direction.
3. Take "baby steps" with incentives along the way.
4. Follow up. Be sure to offer any assistance needed.
In time these affiliates will mature and begin to grow because you have given them the foundation they need. - Wilg
When your affiliates ask how to be successful in SFI with no investment of money you determine their commitment level and move forward from there. To determine this ask open ended questions. For example, tell me what you hope to accomplish this month in your SFI business? How much time can you commit to learning thr business? When do you anticipate that you will be able to make an investment of cash? It is important for you as the sponsor to ask enough questions to determine your best course ...more