Communication is the KEY to E-Commerce & Internet Business,specially so,when SFI is not your main vocation.It's a 'TEAM WORK' n team performs well,if they are keeping in touch n nudging each other to remain in the keep walking with small steps towards a Great day!
So,use all the options available on SFI & Social sites,i.e.,Facebook,Tweeter etc.
Well,people generally do not respond..don't give-up,so long YOU give them GOOD TIPS n Share your genuine concern for them..positive results will follow..:)
Communication is the KEY to E-Commerce & Internet Business,specially so,when SFI is not your main vocation.It's a 'TEAM WORK' n team performs well,if they are keeping in touch n nudging each other to remain in the keep walking with small steps towards a Great day!
So,use all the options available on SFI & Social sites,i.e.,Facebook,Tweeter etc.
Well,people generally do not respond..don't give-up,so long YOU give them GOOD TIPS n Share your genuine concern ...more