We all know you can only purchase 2000 VP and then we do the daily weekly and monthly tasks to get the rest. what else is there? well Reviews, bids at auction which are the two I will use, make sure your purchases review dates will fall into the month your requiring the extra VP from and TCredit purchases gives you both vp when you bid and a review 14 days after buying them. that's the easiest way to gain those extra VP points other than what is already explained in the VP ledger.
I know that the best answers are those that are long and thorough but its all written already by using the VP ledger.
keep it simple is my motto, its not hard so aim high and go for it!
We all know you can only purchase 2000 VP and then we do the daily weekly and monthly tasks to get the rest. what else is there? well Reviews, bids at auction which are the two I will use, make sure your purchases review dates will fall into the month your requiring the extra VP from and TCredit purchases gives you both vp when you bid and a review 14 days after buying them. that's the easiest way to gain those extra VP points other than what is already explained in the VP ledger.