For maintaining the rank of BTL you require 3000vp out of which min. 1500 vp and max. 2000 vp must be from sales/purchases.Here is how you can maintain it every month:-
1. 330 vp from daily tasks.
2. 152 vp from weekly tasks.
3. 10 from monthly sponsor ratings.
4. 1500 to 2000 vp from purchases/sales.You can set up a standing order for this ,the best one is IAHBE or 200 TCREDITS PACK.
If you purchase 200 tcredits pack,you can yse them in auctions and can get 200 vp from them also.Or you can purchase other items and will get vp for purchasing them as well as 25 vp per review.
5. Also try to submit answers in ask sc and can earn extra points if your answer is in top 3.
All these constitute to maintain 3000 vp every month but never forget to update your leadership at least 3 times a month and have a min. 3 star rating as a sponsor because these are also required in maintaining BTL.
For maintaining the rank of BTL you require 3000vp out of which min. 1500 vp and max. 2000 vp must be from sales/purchases.Here is how you can maintain it every month:-
1. 330 vp from daily tasks.
2. 152 vp from weekly tasks.
3. 10 from monthly sponsor ratings.
4. 1500 to 2000 vp from purchases/sales.You can set up a standing order for this ,the best one is IAHBE or 200 TCREDITS PACK.
If you purchase 200 tcredits pack,you can yse them in auctions and can get 200 vp ...more