Sure,LaunchPad 'Lessons' at SFI are very well written n time-tested.
It is extremely difficult to choose a favourate out of these 30 lessons.
But a lesson,which inspires YOU to keep going n be realistic in this entire game of 'SFI Business' is 'LaunchPad Lesson - 11'!!!
So,there is NO Overnight Success in any Business...let's put our heart & soul to make SFI n a 'household destination' for every House in every Country..Why NOT???
Well,then MAGIC has to happen..:)
Sure,LaunchPad 'Lessons' at SFI are very well written n time-tested.
It is extremely difficult to choose a favourate out of these 30 lessons.
But a lesson,which inspires YOU to keep going n be realistic in this entire game of 'SFI Business' is 'LaunchPad Lesson - 11'!!!
So,there is NO Overnight Success in any Business...let's put our heart & soul to make SFI n a 'household destination' for every House in every Country..Why NOT???
Well,then ...more