Triple Clicks growing bigger is like our large companies marketing strategies. Name recognition and a great logo increases sales. When Triple Clicks becomes a household name like Coca Cola or Microsoft. All we have to do is advertise. We may even get new leads just by mentioning Triple Clicks. That's why it's so important to have our stickers displayed on our car windows. We may not get any direct referrals from those leads. If we hit EA every month, more CSA's in the system benefits everyone. That is everyone that stays for the long term.
Triple Clicks growing bigger is like our large companies marketing strategies. Name recognition and a great logo increases sales. When Triple Clicks becomes a household name like Coca Cola or Microsoft. All we have to do is advertise. We may even get new leads just by mentioning Triple Clicks. That's why it's so important to have our stickers displayed on our car windows. We may not get any direct referrals from those leads. If we hit EA every month, more CSA's in the system benefits everyone. That ...more