I agree to give your time to your affiliates because I do that all the time.”But you cannot take a horse to the water and force it to drink” some of the affiliates do not login in every day. I have affiliates that signed up and did not login after that although I’ve been sending email after email.
The thing to do is to keep on communicating with them and those who are active will communicate if they need to. Lead by example to do what is necessary to achieve your goal. Always be there for them and give sound advice in writing your emails to encourage them. That is my best incentive. SFI is the best program that I ever had and I am proud to be a part of it.
I agree to give your time to your affiliates because I do that all the time.”But you cannot take a horse to the water and force it to drink” some of the affiliates do not login in every day. I have affiliates that signed up and did not login after that although I’ve been sending email after email.
The thing to do is to keep on communicating with them and those who are active will communicate if they need to. Lead by example to do what is necessary to achieve your goal. Always be ...more