This is one basic, real problem. For overzealous sellers/agents this is also a basic procedure. But since I don't believe in the idea of overselling myself what I do is to tell them the real perspective of how the company exists. I first tell them of the structure - when it was started - emphasizing on its longevity; the volume of the members tell now emphasizing that the company lures a lot of people thus it must be good; the nature of the membership( international) therefore more people are in it; and it's being BBB accredited therefore the company has a good reputation, businesswise and entity-wise as per American standard. Then comes the benefits and privileges - incomes - Leverage and Residual; being able to participate in biddings where you can buy almost anything at giveaway prices; buying stuff from all over the worl; being able to sell unwanted stuff you have online; connecting your own or your friends online store to the company so it could be seen and bought in the international market; and last but not the least, building your own business in the process.
From the above rationale, I think anybody in his right frame of mind would refuse the offer. And it's not an "oversell". Just plain honesty in telling what the business is all about.
This is one basic, real problem. For overzealous sellers/agents this is also a basic procedure. But since I don't believe in the idea of overselling myself what I do is to tell them the real perspective of how the company exists. I first tell them of the structure - when it was started - emphasizing on its longevity; the volume of the members tell now emphasizing that the company lures a lot of people thus it must be good; the nature of the membership( international) therefore more people are ...more