How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
10/19/2013 6:25 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
Everyone destined to achieve great things will encounter adversity and naysayers.
My experience is that the worst of these comes from within your closest circles (family, so-called friends, excrete). This is reality: success does not come free. and to achieve it you will have to invest in yourself.
Sure you will have those who argue with you during your early efforts...saying discouraging things and trying to make you sorry for your choices to work toward success... NEVER GIVE UP !!! this is my best tip for success.
I have worked against some of the worst adversity you could imagine for over 20 years to get to the point where I now stand... and starting with the beginning of 2011...all of those people who were trying to tell me " cannot succeed..." are about to eat their words.
I am on my way to great things... the question is: are YOU going to be on the path with me?
Best tip #2: True success comes only through ongoing,Faithful teamwork. I plan to encourage all who join my team to work to help each other as I myself work to help every team member in my network as I am able and asked.
Best tip #3: Have a GREAT day... because attitude DOES affect altitude.
Aim High! Dream Big!
Everyone destined to achieve great things will encounter adversity and naysayers.
My experience is that the worst of these comes from within your closest circles (family, so-called friends, excrete). This is reality: success does not come free. and to achieve it you will have to invest in yourself.
Sure you will have those who argue with you during your early efforts...saying discouraging things and trying to make you sorry for your choices to work toward success... NEVER GIVE UP
How can you build your SFI business on a tight budget?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
7/12/2012 5:47 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
Flyers For Sponsoring Affiliates
Does having a co-op for your downline help get them active and stay active?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
10/19/2012 1:15 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
it does if you make it affordable to your down line i reword my down line with 1 share when they keep a standing order of 1500 points and if they move up to bronze leader they earn another share and so on
What methods do the top enrollers use to sponsor so many affiliates each day?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
7/12/2012 6:41 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
i print these off and post them at many of the local fast food resteronts and on bultin boards in stores
Flyers For Referring TripleClicks Members
Should I reach out to the affiliates on my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. generations...or leave support to their sponsor?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
9/21/2012 3:16 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
most defantly you should help all in your down line even your CSA they all make your comisions. its a gamble if you dont you could loose them but you could lose them if you send to much mail. I receved a mesage from a CSA saying they dont have enough money to build their buisness so i sent them some pdf files from when SFI had print and clip pull tab banners that you could post on bulltin boards around the area. some times they never hear one word from their sponsors or upline. you can send a mesage saying if you need help im willing to help if i dont have the answer i will ask my upline manger to help you or get the answer..
most defantly you should help all in your down line even your CSA they all make your comisions. its a gamble if you dont you could loose them but you could lose them if you send to much mail. I receved a mesage from a CSA saying they dont have enough money to build their buisness so i sent them some pdf files from when SFI had print and clip pull tab banners that you could post on bulltin boards around the area. some times they never hear one word from their sponsors or upline. you can send a mesage
What is your experience or your opinion about running contests (and providing prizes) to motivate your PSAs?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
10/14/2012 2:22 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
when i run my contest i gave them one share of my co-op and the rulle is to keep the share they half to keep a standing order if they cancel their standing order they lose that shere but if the if the become a bronse team leader they oearn another co-op share and so on if the keep on climing up the lader
What should you do if you do not have any communication with your sponsor?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
7/16/2012 12:21 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
your sponsor is suppose too help you as also your up line but their is always the four um and a2a where you can get help we all are happy to help!
What is the best way to utilize my social media sites to recruit affliates and promote TripleClicks?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
7/16/2012 12:30 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to utilize social media sites to Recruit Affiliates, Promote Price Benders Auctions and Triple Clicks is to differentiate your message. Many social platforms are purely social. People don't go there to buy anything. Although Facebook has a public stream for everything under the sun!
What is the best way to promote your TConnect page?
Kurt Lator, Aff (Missouri, US)
7/12/2012 6:47 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2002, Power Rank: 99999999
I personally have my domain name and banner posted on the side windows on my jeep but I also print these flyers and post them in local stores and fast food restraints also have them posted in free adds in the newspaper
Flyers For Referring TripleClicks Members