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If you were to start over with SFI, what would you do differently, knowing what you do now about this business?

7263 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 4/6/2015 4:37 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Ritu,

This is an excellent question, and is one that I am sure we all have asked ourselves from time to time.

So, having the knowledge that I have acquired about SFI and running an online business in general, what would I do differently if I could start over again?

First,I would have maintained a daily activity regiment, ensuring that I always logged in and did my daily tasks. I also would have set up a standing order right from day one, even though I know that

Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

6487 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 12/14/2014 2:06 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes and no.

As sponsors and mentors, we have an obligation to teach and coach those who join SFI as part of our team. Teach them how to navigate the SFI site. Teach them the importance of logging in daily and completing their to-do list. Teach them how to find sites to advertise on. In this sense, no, we are not helping them too much.

It only becomes a problem when you start doing things for them. That carries the strong risk of them becoming dependent upon you, wherein they

What's the biggest turn-off that I should avoid talking about to prospects for SFI?

6456 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 12/14/2014 1:56 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Honestly, and this is based solely upon my experience, I feel the biggest turn-off is to overly emphasize the fact that SFI is free to join and free forever, and then start talking about things like standing orders and such.

Most prospects will view this as highly contradictory and your "window of trust" have be shattered as they are sitting there thinking "He just told me SFI is free to join and comes without any obligation, but now he has just told me that to really be

What are the best ways to track my ads to know which are providing the best results?

6350 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 12/14/2014 2:18 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way by far is SFI's own keycode tracker. This great tool is available to every member who generates at least 1000 Versapoints in any given month.

It is important to set up some method of tracking your keycodes so you have an easy reference to know what code is being used where. This can be a notebook, a spreadsheet, a database... whatever works best for you.

There are also several URL shortening services that offer analytics. These includes sites like, tinyurl,

Apart from the 125 TCredits pack, what other Standing Order product with 1500 VP would you suggest to replace IAHBE?

6254 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 7/18/2014 11:55 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Honestly, I would stay with the 125 TCredit pack, or do a combination of the 100 TCredit pack along with either a share in the S-Builder coop or a PSA to Go 10 pack.

Combining the 100 TCredit pack with the S-Builder coop will net you a total of 1480 versapoints. The remaining 20 versapoints are easily accumulated through doing your daily tasks. The cost for this option is roughly $51 USD per month.

The 100 TCredit pack combined with the PSAs to Go 10 pack will net in at 1655

What is the most effective way to communicate with your team?

6140 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 12/14/2014 2:12 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
While it can be a little more time consuming, I have found it best to ask my team how they want to be communicated with. The reason why it is more time consuming is that you will have those who like the SFI mailer, others who want direct email contact, some who will want to connect via FB or some other social media platform, and there will be those who prefer VOIP communications using platforms like skype and viber.

By communicating with each member of your team via their desired method,

What are the best ways to recruit good, new affiliates?

6130 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 4/14/2013 9:20 am

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is an excellent question, but one that has no simple, straightforward answer.

There are numerous sponsoring methods that SFI provides us with at All of these methods are good and useless at the same time. Why would I say that they are useless? Because if you are not targeting your marketing efforts, then no matter how good or compelling your advertising is, you are wasting your time.

How good do you think

Who is the better demographic to target in my ads? Retired persons...or homemakers?

6054 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 6/24/2014 4:30 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is an excellent question. To get the best results from your advertising, it is good practice to cater your advertising to specific groups or people... in your case, deciding between catering to home-makers or retirees.

Between these two, each has their advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I feel that it would be too limiting to cater only to one.

Both home-makers and retirees share the advantage of being "homebodies" and also share the potential disadvantage

How to advertise successfully on Facebook and other social media?

6013 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 6/24/2014 4:46 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Thank you for your question.

Social media advertising has both the potential to be a little on the tricky side, but also the potential to reap some of the best results.

The reason why it can be tricky is due to perceived spam. You see, SFI is such a large global enterprise with countless numbers of active affiliates that if we were all to submit our links to Facebook, Twitter, etc., their anti-spam filters trigger only on the domain. Indeed, that is precisely what happened and

I am interested in utilizing webinars in my marketing and training my downline. How should I go about this?

5983 votes

Raymond Weber, Aff (British columbia, CA) 6/24/2014 5:22 pm

Affiliate since: 03/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Webinars are an excellent platform for training, though not as common for recruiting. What makes webinars so powerful is the fact that they are personable, meaning that your attendees get to both see and hear you. They can see and hear your passion and desire to help them succeed. No more are you just a name that they read on their screen.

So, how do you go about hosting your own webinars? You would want to start by researching webinar hosting platforms. You will find that there are many