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How can I learn to be a good Team Leader for my group?

7916 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 1/4/2016 6:28 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to be a good team leader to your team is by

1 have the new affiliate complete the profile provided

2 Review the profile to find out what the affiliates goals are

3 By doing this you will know what kind of affiliate you are working with
as far as where they want to take their new business

By knowing this information you can set a plan for your new affiliate

Since you started your SFI business, how has your focus changed? What do you do differently now?

7578 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 11/28/2015 9:39 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
When I started my business,, I had very little knowledge of online marketing.
I know very little about what having a online business really meant yet in the short time that I have been a SFI Affiliate I have learned more about what it really meant to have a online business, and how to help your team members become successful themselves.

As for how my focus has changed. this has been the hardest part for

How can I be effective recruiting affiliates face to face and one on one?

7120 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 10/14/2015 4:55 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
1) Make sure you know enough about the business that you could teach someone just coming into the business.

2) Set a date for your Opportunity Meeting Date and time

3) Create a Flip chart of information about the company

4 Create handouts for the Attends

5 Create a get started kit for the Prospects that join your team

6 Create a Team

How do we know that if we stay with SFI that we will make money and become successful?

7113 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 3/10/2016 8:07 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
First : You have to have a plan of action
Second: Put your plan into action
Third: Do your best at everything you do
Four: Follow instructions on website and from your sponsor or co-sponsor
Fifth: Don't give-up on your dreams

Remember that SFI is your own business which means you are the CEO
and any business takes time to build

What can I do to get my new sign-ups to stay engaged with SFI for longer than one day?

6850 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 12/9/2015 4:39 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
The first thing you have to do when working with new Affiliates is

A. Think back to what questions you had when you began

B. Think as if you know nothing about the business, and this will better
help you to help your new affiliate.

C . When you receive a email with a email with a question, and you don't know
the answer, you email them back and let them know you

What are some of the best ways to advertise my business OUTSIDE of online social media?

6776 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 12/9/2015 3:57 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
1 .Carry your website with you everywhere you go.

2. Insert your business card when mailing your bills.

3. When you shop give the Cashier your business card when he/she checks
you out.

4. Pick out some products that you have personally used yourself, and if you are
short on cash, write them on a piece of paper with all the information that your
customer will need when ordering

What are some good products to promote during the holidays and gift-giving season?

6554 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 11/28/2015 9:52 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Good products to promote... Items that can not be purchased at mall this will set you apart from the common store or mall down the street. Gift Sets are another common gift for the holidays, but not any Gift Set,, something that is different that anyone can get at the local store or mall

How important is it that your family embrace your SFI business...and what if they don't?

6418 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 10/14/2015 3:41 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Family support can be a big part of your new business, because they may have contacts that might be interested in what you have to offer. Although if they don't support your new venture this should not discourse you from trying something new because you never know until you try.

What will you do differently in 2016 to grow your SFI business?

6171 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 12/29/2015 3:45 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
1 Make business cards and pass them out

2 Promote your website to your friends and family

3 Recruit locally

4 Post Ads in newspapers

5 Carry brochures with you about the business where ever you go

6 Make a list of products that you like to promote at tripleclicks

My team has a negative attitude about SFI. How can I change it to a positive one?

6028 votes

Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) 1/31/2016 10:17 pm

Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Ask your new Affiliates to fill out a quick questionnaire , when you send their welcome letter, this will do two things.

1. It will help them to be honest with themselves and why they are here

2. it is going to help you help them, because you are going to know what goals they have and how you can better help them.

3. after you have this information you take it and structure the sfi opportunity to