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How best to promote SFI to prospects who have no experience with online business?

6934 votes

Noorjahan Lallmamode-Dauhoo, Aff (Mauritius) 3/31/2015 3:16 am

Affiliate since: 06/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI promotion should not be limited to online actions only. But rather there should be regular face-to-face community building ways of promoting the business. Then, you have to fine tune your approach with regards to the need of your targets.

When you have people who have no experience with online business. Then you have to make a presentation.

You can do that on a one to one basis or on a group basis depending on the accessibility of computers and internet capacity.


How could I use my own or other's garage sales to grow my SFI or TripleClicks business?

5429 votes

Noorjahan Lallmamode-Dauhoo, Aff (Mauritius) 5/21/2015 3:49 am

Affiliate since: 06/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
Garage sale is a very cultural phenomenon that in my opinion does not exist in many countries. For example it is completely absent in mine.

People just give away most things (jewels, clothes, shoes, bags, etc) that they have used or sell it to people they already know. We except from this electronics and other valuable things like cars or houses. There have been attempts in the past for some to sell small used things on but it did not work.

I think the best thing to do

What is SFI's most important tool to use for building a successful business?

4207 votes

Noorjahan Lallmamode-Dauhoo, Aff (Mauritius) 3/29/2015 3:09 am

Affiliate since: 06/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
I think SFI is a well-built in site where you can access many essential tools needed for a business.

However, I think that NO business can exist without making a profit because at the end of the day this is the main reason for its existence. And I think the gateways are great tools both for marketing products both for the SFI and ECA and at the same time help increasing CSA's and PSA's.

Everything here is based on trust. ECA come because they trust the people who have contacted

Which is better and contact my PSAs through SFI (e.g. PSA Mailer) or directly via their email address?

4118 votes

Noorjahan Lallmamode-Dauhoo, Aff (Mauritius) 3/26/2015 5:01 am

Affiliate since: 06/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
If you want to create personal contacts with your PSA specially at the beginning you will want to use direct email address. You can send them e-cards as well to welcome, encourage or congratulate them.

On the otherhand PSA mailer is mostly used to contact the whole group and to pass on a group message to give direction, support or information. This might seem too cold for a new comer, who might feel lost in the crowd.