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How to explain to new affiliates the value of becoming a Fast-Track member?

5072 votes

Charles Ukane, Aff (Nigeria) 1/25/2015 12:01 pm

Affiliate since: 01/18/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Good day, how ã®e you doing? Well to answer your question I would say that you have to be persuasive and tell them how it worked for you, I believe that if you use yourself as an example to them then they will find it easy to connect with you.

I would also say that there is need for you to sensitize them f the fact that they need to invest in it and work hard once they have this at the back of their mind they will be ready to do more.

Try being persuasive and convincing

Should I or shouldn't I participate in the SFI PPA program?

4048 votes

Charles Ukane, Aff (Nigeria) 2/16/2015 4:39 pm

Affiliate since: 01/18/2015, Power Rank: 99999999

I believe in SFI whatever we chose to do, one should conceder first if it will be profitable to them or add value and of course I must say that every aspect in SFI adds vlue depends n individual aproach to that program, so I will say that if you want to participate fine, however if you don't fine, but first ask yourself is it going to be profitable to me. If the answer is yes then you can go ahead and do it.

I hope this helps you answer your question.

Is cold calling, using a local telephone directory, a good method for attracting new PSAs?

3791 votes

Charles Ukane, Aff (Nigeria) 2/16/2015 7:50 pm

Affiliate since: 01/18/2015, Power Rank: 99999999

When you use the cold calling using a local telephone directory and you get new PSA's without invading anybodie privacy, I think its a good way of attracting PSA's if it works for you the keep doing it so long as ou get the result that you want. But if it does not produce the result you want please stop and try another method.

I hope this hepls t answer your question thanks.

Which is best...advertising individual TripleClicks products or the entire TripleClicks store?

2595 votes

Charles Ukane, Aff (Nigeria) 3/8/2015 3:55 am

Affiliate since: 01/18/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Good day

I will say that in my own humble opinion one should focus on their area of strenght of marketting, if you find out in the course of maketting that you have a point and you re aable to focus on it, I will in my opinon add that you should be focus in that aspect that will boost the area of focus and advertising rate, I think it is alwys dfvisble that one focus on their area of ability instead of doing multiple task and not being sure of the result yielded.

I hope this