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I'm told to lead by example in SFI...but how can I demonstrate this to my PSAs and CSAs?

8653 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 8/21/2015 4:50 am

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This question centers on leadership. Ironically, there are two (2) scenarios to which one can lead by example: failure and success. And of course, when it comes to our SFI business, we are talking about how to lead by example toward success.

There are various pictures I would like to present to demonstrate success-leading by example:

1. Standing Order Badge- You should believe in money investment with your SFI business by having a standing order of at least 100 TCredits. If

Which is better to do...recruit PRMs or PSAs?

8437 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 7/26/2015 11:05 pm

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

Knowing which is better to do between Personally Referred Members (PRMs) and Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs) recruiting is good. But then again, “best” is more than “better”. So I want to stick to the “best” approach: doing both with equal intensity and drive.

Recruiting PRMs provides you with sales from TripleClicks. And you also earn the VersaPoints (VPs) from the orders of PRMs if they are not yet SFI affiliates. So, the 45% Commission Volume as your Direct

Should I put my CSAs into the new CSA Exchange? If yes...or no...explain why.

8035 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 8/2/2015 10:57 pm

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Practically, you have those CSAs who have shown no activity so far and those who are already working with you. From this concept, you may put your inactive CSAs in the CSA Exchange program while of course retaining in your team those Worker-CSAs.

The reason why SFI has come up with this program is it has been observed that there have been increased activities from CSAs who are “at home” in terms of “better communications and compatibility in relation to language, culture, etc”.

For building my business, what is the most valuable thing to spend my TCredits on?

7989 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 8/4/2015 10:32 pm

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Building your SFI business involves many tools. TCredits being one and for me the most powerful, I have to enumerate the different ways on how to use them:

1. EZ and PB tabs in your SFI Homepage – this is the first simple act you have to do on a daily basis. Never underestimate the importance of a couple of Action VersaPoints (AVPs). So, use 2 Tcredits to get those 2 AVPs from your EZ and PB tabs by playing at least 1 Eager Zebra game using 1 TCredit and bidding on any auction in Pricebenders

Should a person go for the rank of Team Leader if they don't yet have a team?

7280 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 6/28/2015 8:17 pm

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
It depends. There are 2 scenarios I would like to offer to support my stance on this question. Once you become a Team Leader by choice, you will receive your team members from SFI in the form of co-sponsored affiliates (CSAs) so the phrase "don't yet have a team" is out of context.

If you want to lead a team to success here, you must not think about doing your SFI business through the free concept.Generally, you have to accept the fact that you will have to immediately invest

What can WE do to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates (without relying on SFI management)?

7011 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 7/21/2015 4:11 am

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I would like to build my answer to this question from the phrase " to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates". This so because the text inside the parenthesis should not have been included. Why?

"Rely" means 2 ways according to the Oxford Dictionary:
1. "depend on with full trust or confidence"; and
2. "be dependent on".

Therefore, it is just practical that we rely on SFI's strategies on how to attract new affiliates.

If I only have one hour a day to spend on SFI, what should I spend this limited time doing?

6934 votes

Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) 8/30/2015 2:28 am

Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
What a tough question.

Whatever reason you might have, at least you got 1 hour to use to work on your SFI business and I presume this to be online. But I would like to deal with the offline activities outside of that 1 hour. Thus, I have two situations in which to suggest the following answer:

1. Offline activities- this would involve warm marketing and advertising. Talking to friends, relatives, neighbors, officemates, and strangers in various situational encounters, including