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At this time, which are the best countries to advertise SFI in?

5352 votes

Jasmina Trajkovska, Aff (Macedonia) 6/17/2014 11:50 am

Affiliate since: 05/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
By my opinion, there's no best country for advertise.
Any country is good enough for advertising.

If your knowledge of English language its not very good,will be better to start advertising in your home country.
But, with Google translate and other Translate pages, its very easy to write Add in any other language. Usually English is most speakable language, and almost all Adds are on that language.

As an example, from my personal experience, my first PSA from Add,

What's the best way to gain the attention of Second Home CSAs and get them active again?

4403 votes

Jasmina Trajkovska, Aff (Macedonia) 7/13/2014 7:31 am

Affiliate since: 05/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
That's very difficult task.

Usual, in Net Marketing, leaders says that is easiest way for moving on is to go around rocks, instead of crashing them.

But, the same as you, I like to struggle with difficulties, and I don't except giving up. If you start something, you should try to finish it.

May personal way is to sending them letter by group genealogy mailing, and in that letter I giving courage and my support to the affiliates which are successful in their work

What keywords should I avoid when setting up advertisements on search engines?

4333 votes

Jasmina Trajkovska, Aff (Macedonia) 6/13/2014 12:17 pm

Affiliate since: 05/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Word JOB for sure you should avoid in you add. Because this is not regular job place, this is second income of money.

Word EASY earning money, because true is that its not easy.

Word I WANT, because people doesn't care what you want, or what you are LOOKING for, or what you NEED it. They are interested in what they want.

How do you learn to write effective ads if you have never written any ads before?

3609 votes

Jasmina Trajkovska, Aff (Macedonia) 6/13/2014 12:27 pm

Affiliate since: 05/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
For the first month, its best if you use SFI Marketing Ads, it was very helpful for me. You have couple of ads there, you may chose the one who fits the best to you and your character.

When you writing the add, be very honest with words, write from your heart.

Write simple words, friendly, with dose of humor in it. Imagine that you are reading the add, and will that words make you interested in?