When you want to improve your face-to-face conversation you need to ask yourself one thing first - completely honest:
Do you really absolutely feel right now that this is YOUR very own business?
Enthusiasm alone won't do, you also need trust and confidence to be able to feel so. Once you do, it will be easy for you to tell everyone what you are working, tell them details and maybe even get them hooked.
But to get to this point, it's a long way for most.
Actions, achievements and the right mindset are best to build up this feeling.
Here are some points that can help you achieve the feeling:
1. Action: Business Learning
Gather knowledge about SFI, SFI training and marketing, not just online but really marketing ind general. Compare what you found out with SFI, online and offline businesses and get a solid base to answer questions and doubts for yourself.
Such doubts can be thoughts like:
- 90% of online businesses are scam, this could be too
- every online marketing is a snowball system
- no marketing really cares about their customers, only wants to sell/earn commissions
- does this work really suit me?
To have confidence in your business these doubts need positive and firm answers. One thing I found out about these questions: each business has a marketing side and many clicheed doubts on it, so you won't ever get around these questions.
2. Action: Be active, but also know where to stop
Really do distribute (product)flyers, giftcards,... locally and participate online and offline in social networks, forums, clubs,... Update your blog/website at least two times a week with new content and news. There's much you can do on the activity side - mainpoint here is, don't think "Uh, not now, later" or "About SFI, I need to speak to strangers on the streets, directly". You do not need to speak to strangers - get to know them first or better let them get to know you first ;)
Of course, you'll also need to find out how much time you can invest to avoid burn out and still have leisure time with your beloveds.
3. Action: Learning different methods, choose those that suit you best
Your marketing activity is defined by the methods you use - you can under use certain opportunities (like leaving your business card at blackboards) and also mass-overuse methods (for example: 10 different methods are too much divertion for most).
Most necessary, is that you always keep up with new methods and maybe even invent some yourself. Always test them first if you feel them suitable for yourself, need to grow more before using them or aren't yours at all. Secondly, make sure to test your own stress level with each method and whether you could reduce it somehow.
For Learning, SFI training and marketing navigation as well as forums are a very good starting point.
3. Control and Achievements:
With achievement you will gain reassurance and confidence in your actions, control will allow you to find out which actions brought forth the best results and happiness for you, but also whether changes occured over the time. Strive forward with these actions, try to improve and widen their field of usage to get even more results, but also always recheck whether those methods are still feasible.
4. Optimistic and realistic mindset:
Combine a "Never give up and fight with a happy smile" with "This won't do, need to brainstorm / research for improvement/better methods". (An optimist doesn't know the word impossible but can't work that effectivly because he doesn't accept walls, a realist does accept the wall and normally gives up on it. With help of the optimist, the realist strives forward to find a way to his goals and breaks through the walls one after another.