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Which is better...doing two separate blogs about SFI and TripleClicks...or a single blog about BOTH?

3548 votes

Slavko Jovanovic, Aff (Serbia) 4/30/2014 4:44 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best thing is to make 2 separate blogs, for sure.

One blog should be for building your own team of affiliates, finding people to register via your SFI ID#, where they could see what are the benefits of joining the SFI program and where they could decide if they want to join.

Other blog should be about TripleClicks products. Here you ARE NOT trying to find people who will work for SFI, here you ARE trying to find people who will shop online for your and your ECAs products

What are the personal characteristics and skills you need to become successful with SFI?

3439 votes

Slavko Jovanovic, Aff (Serbia) 4/30/2014 4:13 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The most important thing an SFI affiliate needs is persistence! It takes more than half an year to build a decent team and it is really not as hard as it sounds.
Besides that, I prefer honesty. You have to be really honest to your new affiliates when they join this business, because - sooner or later they will find out if you told them the truth or not.
Personally, I don't think a person needs to be a natural born leader, but it definitely requires some level of self-awareness.

How do I get the maximum benefits of being an SFI affiliate?

3418 votes

Slavko Jovanovic, Aff (Serbia) 4/30/2014 4:34 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
As we all learned from Launchpad lesions, to start as an Affiliate successfully you have to visit your Home page of SFI at least once per day and do your daily tasks from your "to-do-list".
Second thing you should do is to play the T-Time game on the TripleClicks website for a chance to win 2 TCredits every day.
You should start building your own team of affiliates as soon as possible to earn all the benefits you can get from them. Teach them all of these things you have learned

How do you handle prospects and affiliates who expect to get rich fast?

3341 votes

Slavko Jovanovic, Aff (Serbia) 4/30/2014 3:58 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You just don't.
The first thing I tell people when they join this business is not to expect to get rich fast. For start, they have to build their own team of affiliates and work with them, help them realize what SFI is all about. Doing that lasts for a couple of days! Also, encourage them to read the Launchpad lesions and tell them to talk to you, as their sponsor, if they have any questions about it.
If you want to get rich here, you have to be really persistent. Because persistence is

I am not very good at talking to people. How can I talk to them about SFI or TripleClicks in a simple and easy way?

3225 votes

Slavko Jovanovic, Aff (Serbia) 4/30/2014 4:53 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You should make your own website or blog.
There you can write what SFI is all about and write everything about benefits they will get from joining the SFI program. Try to explain everything the best way you can.
So, if people want to know more about the SFI company and the job you are offering to them, you simply redirect them to your own website/blog.

As a new Team Leader, what is the single most important thing I should be doing?

3189 votes

Slavko Jovanovic, Aff (Serbia) 4/30/2014 4:24 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, I am not a BTL yet, but on the day I become one I know what I would do first. It would be thanking my own team, because I could never do it without them. I would encourage them to do the same and help them realize how they can become BTL too. I am pretty sure that their thoughts in that moment would be "If he can do it, I can do it as well". You will be surprised how fast you will become STL after that!