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How can I use a blog to promote SFI and TripleClicks?

5251 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/22/2014 1:23 pm

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is what I do to promote my blogs for business:

Easy to be found:
By optimizing my blog and web site with key words I make it easier for people searching for me to find my blog using search engines such as Google and Bing.
Use Social Media:
I use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Digg and others to let others know about my blogs and useful content.
Useful Content:
I need to have something that people can use. If I only tell

What is the best way to set up an advertising co-op for my affiliates?

4525 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/12/2014 4:23 pm

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The simplest way to create a co-op is as follows. Keep control of everything. Your team members are joining the co-op because they want your marketing experience to guide their recruiting efforts so give them the total package and eliminate logistical issues by:

1. Create ONE lead capture page and "co-op" list. Drive all your traffic to the LCP and you control the email follow up there after sending traffic to your members recruiting pages. Depending on the business you may want

Where are the best places to post advertising flyers?

4281 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/16/2014 2:30 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best place is where a lot of people will see it, and where it's allowed to be posted. Some towns have sign ordinances that ban the posting of flyers on public poles (Like telephone poles).

Generally when we want to post something we start with bulletin boards around town--at the grocery story, in the library, and then in any merchant's window who will allow us to do so.

If you can have your flyers inserted into the local newspaper that helps, but there is a cost involved

What are the things about SFI that most convince people to join?

4106 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/12/2014 3:16 pm

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
One of the biggest challenges in this business to attract quality people.
If you are just starting out, you will need to brand yourself.. Do not expect fast results to start. Branding yourself as a person in the SFI business will take time.
Some great ways to "establish" your brand:
Write a personal blog and try to post a relevant article.
Social Media, this is a great way to attract people.
I think the best thing anyone can so is be themselves and honest.

What are the personal characteristics and skills you need to become successful with SFI?

3615 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 5/2/2014 2:59 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Probably the most important trait or skill needed is "passion." Passion can be defined in several ways - the "I think I can" mindset, being able to bounce back and keep on going, persistence, determination and initiative. These all represent just several ways of stating the fact that that you will persevere in achieving your goals. You will do what it takes to overcome, go around, move, or run over anything that blocks your way. In the case of owning your own business, it means

What is your most successful way to market while you're out and about?

3356 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/9/2014 8:44 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

1. Newspaper Ad
Dull but effective: Purchase a classified advertisement in your local newspaper

2.Use your network
If you have friends who have their own businesses, think about how you can advertise each other’s services. E.g. if you have a friend who owns a restaurant, offer to advertise the restaurant on your site or brochure if they will print your URL on their till receipts or napkins.

3.For the more energetic
If you’re a runner or cyclist why not

Safe-lists. What makes one better than another?

3198 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/16/2014 2:36 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You need to be signed up to at least 10 good safelists to make sure you are advertising to a good cross section of opportunity seekers. There are many safelists to choose from.
Part of the deal when you join FREE safelists, is that you agree to accept email ads from other members who are also participating. When you join safelists, you will need to give them 2 different email addresses. One email address is for receiving the ads from members and the other address is for receiving communications

Is it possible to be successful in SFI even when your PSAs and CSAs do not work or have stopped working?

3194 votes

Jasna Dzinovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/9/2014 9:02 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion, yes. SFI offers more ways to earn ...
If you have some physical products you don’t need, you can sell them in your SFI TConnect store. You make money and get VPs this way.
If you don’t have products to sell, search for some good products inside TripleClicks Products, which people really want,
and get your affiliate link for these products, then promote these products here and there.
This way you could earn money PLUS get huge VPs.
The last important tip