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What is the best and most cost effective way of boosting your income with SFI?

5849 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 5/12/2014 6:55 pm

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
Hi Tony,

SFI is a platform that provides you income from every activity that you are performing here. Let us understand the simple and step by step ways that SFI provides us to earn;

1. You earn simply by performing the daily task through the Tripleclick executive pool.
2. You earn when you becoming Team Leader and start getting the matching VP and the benefits of 45% CV commission from your PSA purchase and 15% CV commission of your CSA purchase.
3. You Earn when

Would it be beneficial to create separate forums and do web seminars about SFI in languages other than English?

5670 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 3/2/2014 9:58 pm

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
Treat this from the point of business, while you are creating Forum, what you are actually doing is creating a mass for your business and in doing so you may actually get your target audiences. So creating a separate Forum is worthy as per my understanding. People would be able to converse and write about the products/services and this would prove towards the benefit of your product/services. Since this would works as devils advocate for you.

In the same way, conducting seminar is also

How would you convince an affiliate who has abandoned SFI to restart again?

5527 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 5/12/2014 7:03 pm

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
According to me, a person can only stop working at SFI, only if he/she has not properly understood the program well or have not be absorbed well into this program. So, your task becomes easier since the person has the urge to make money but does not know how to get their. You just have to show him/her your successful ways and the earnings that you have been drawing to bring back him into track.

Do remember, you are a leader and your down-line would be replicating and following whatever

What are the best ways to stay in contact with PSAs and CSAs and how often is best?

5427 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 1/20/2014 11:55 am

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
Hi Eva,

Lets answer the first part;
a) The ways to stay connected would depend on the availability of the team members. For example, for all the PSA and CSA who belong to your country you can easily connect with them over telephone and wireless systems, Wats Apps and other messenger services.
b) For the group of people who are at remote locations you can get connected with them through Skype, Chat software and internet by mails.
c) For others you can send in a Team mailer

What is the most valuable thing you learned in your first year in SFI?

3376 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 1/9/2014 10:23 pm

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
Hi Stephen,

I am not a year old in the system, but am learning each day being at SFI.

It has helped me in understanding the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Timeliness (SWOT) for me. Till date i have been working in for reputed organizations but did never understand where i was heading to and what am i accumulating/provisioning for my future.

After joining in SFI, i strongly feel and believe that i am creating my residual income for my future and would lead my

How do you get new PSAs to commit to SFI?

3179 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 12/30/2014 10:48 am

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
Getting PSA to commit to SFI business depends on the way you nurture your downline.

If you have the vision and see your self successful in the business, only then you can motivate and convince your down line to be successful and committed to this business.

I would solely state that the business is ours and we can only commit other by the way of showing them the residual income and prospect of growth if we hand hold them from the very first day. Prevent from giving them a false

In my advertising campaigns, is it better to provide more or less information in my ads and why?

3162 votes

Swaraj Bose, Aff (India) 12/30/2014 10:52 am

Affiliate since: 12/08/2013, Power Rank: 344
Hi Alma,

SFI is an ethical business and deals with ethical practices.

So while advertising about the business, i feel we should be simple and be lucid about the business model.

In doing so you are sure to attract only the interested People in your team rather than increasing the number of non performing team members and wasting your advertisement cost.

So i feel we should provide the maximum details possible about the business model.