Well, like you said, IAHBE, S-Builder and TCredits are popular items. Each particular
has the advantage.
*IAHBE- can bring you a new knowledge, and experience, and in addition these brings you, secure EA status, and 100 Actions points, because of SO.
*S-Builder/ you can buy it, and it can bring you new members.
My personal opinion
*TC- credits package,is good decision for SO.
In this case, for SO,you need to buy 125TC.
You have the regular 100 Actions points, because of SO
125 Actions points when you bid on auctons
1250 MRP if you bid on autions, which have tag *DP*
You can change MRP, for TC, and you get Versa Points. In this case, you can buy 9 times 1TC. 9*126MRP- 1134MRP *cost*
And you get 9*102VP-918VP *you get*
And of course new 9TC.
Again you can bid, and have 90MRP, dont forget that you have 116MRP, from last time, and new 90MRP, so, you can buy 1 more TC, and earn 102VP.
And when you bid on auctions you can win it, so, that can be, one more advantage, when you buy TC.
Good luck.
Well, like you said, IAHBE, S-Builder and TCredits are popular items. Each particular
has the advantage.
*IAHBE- can bring you a new knowledge, and experience, and in addition these brings you, secure EA status, and 100 Actions points, because of SO.
*S-Builder/ you can buy it, and it can bring you new members.
My personal opinion
*TC- credits package,is good decision for SO.
In this case, for SO,you need to buy 125TC.
You have the regular 100 Actions