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How do you turn affiliates' EMPLOYEE a BUSINESS OWNER mentality?

6404 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 8/21/2014 2:47 am

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I think you should just tell them the difference between the two or emphasize the benefits of being the business owners themselves.

For example, as an online business owner you:
- get up whenever you want
- commuting takes you about 20 seconds
- you start your work whenever you want, and you may even skip a day to relax
- you don't have to work for 35 years to get your pension, which is probably not even going to be enough to live a comfortable life

What are the best ways to stay in contact with PSAs and CSAs and how often is best?

5503 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 1/17/2014 4:17 am

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
For me, the best way of communicating with my downline is through email. I can easily spot a new message and then I can answer in due time. I can also send attachments, pictures and other useful materials with the help of email. This works best for me, because I noticed that not every PSA/CSA likes to be contacted on facebook or skype, but majority likes to be contacted with an email, because they can choose whether they want or not to answer and they can answer whenever they want.


How do you get your affiliates to approach their SFI business realistically, like a real business, and not some get unrealistic rich quick scheme?

5349 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 1/1/2014 12:35 pm

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First of all, YOU need to approach SFI business realistically, and then others will follow your lead. If they see that you are acting professionally (e.g. when writing emails, your picture, your badges etc.) then they will act like you. Gerry's golden rule: Lead by example.

Second, when new PSAs join my team, I tell them right off the start that this isn't a quick rich scheme, but a real job. I also tell them that they have to work hard to earn, like in any other job. Which employer would

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5068 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 1/1/2014 12:45 pm

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
If your sponsor is non-responsive look for other sources of support. I would start with your upline, SFI Forum, a2a etc. There is a good chance your upline with help you since they have more experience than your sponsor.

In my opinion, sponsors should be there for their team members. It's their job. After all, they are our Team Leaders. Is this how they lead us? There are so many good sponsors who would love to sponsor such PSA. Why don't we reassign such PSA to them? If you aren't going

How often should I communicate with my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor?

4197 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 2/3/2014 4:09 am

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, that is really up to you. The answer is whenever you need them. If you have a question or need help, you should contact them for quick support.

However, that does not mean you shouldn't try to find the answer yourself first. If you cannot find a clarification on your problem even after your search, then you should contact your sponsor or co-sponsor for help. This way you will learn to find valuable information yourself, and not only rely upon your sponsor and/or co-sponsor.


If you had an extra $100, what would be the best way, specifically, to use it to maximize and help grow your SFI business?

4050 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 2/18/2014 5:26 am

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
To help grow your business, as Gery suggested, you need both sales and team building. So, focus on that.

1. Grow your team - S-Builder Co-op $22 SO
2. Find PRMs and motivate the ones you already have - 30 Gift card pack $30
3. Motivate your team - Gift certificate at least $10
4. Make sure you reach at least EA - SO 125 TCredits $36.25 or any other SO that will give you 1500 VP.
5. Wave 3 kit - $1.95
Total: $100.20

All of the above will provide you with

I have experience with in-person presentations, direct mail, trade shows, handing out biz cards, network at events, etc. Can offline marketing be as effective for my SFI business as online marketing?

3897 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 2/18/2014 5:08 am

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When I joined SFI, I only had the knowledge of offline marketing, and zero to none about online type of marketing. I used what I knew and as soon as my second day in SFI, I got my first PSA sign up. So, my answer to you is, yeah, USE it.

It can be as effective, maybe even more. I use both online and offline marketing methods now, and I have results from both. Therefore, it is obviously an advantage of yours if you know how to use offline methods. Incorporate them into your online and

How do you deal with PSAs who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?

3545 votes

Kristina Benjak, Aff (Serbia) 1/10/2014 3:31 am

Affiliate since: 10/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In SFI many of us learn how to be leaders. This rating gives us a feedback of sorts and tell us how good or bad we are. Make no mistake, this rating has many positive aspects. One of them being feedback which in turn tells you that you need or need not to improve your sponsor performance.

Now, what to do with people who in your opinion do not appreciate your work? Well, there are two sides to every story. You may only think you are doing great, but your PSA may think you are not so great.