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How can I get people who are engaged in other network marketing businesses to take a look at SFI?

5473 votes

Zenobia Gillion, Aff (South Africa) 5/18/2014 5:16 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi, I think SFI's proven track record and market stability is a huge factor and this had been confirmed by other affilliates posting answers to your questions.

What is significant for me is SFI's "online-ness". It looks and feels as if I am building an online business. I can manage my business "on-the-go".

Having experience with one other network marketing business, the other factors that attracted me to SFI (after not giving SFI as much as a glance for nearly

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

4827 votes

Zenobia Gillion, Aff (South Africa) 1/2/2014 6:50 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Dear Michael. It is possible that your sponsor's or coSponsor's mother tongue is not English and it is difficult for him/her to communicate with you. Secondly, as another post mentioned, your sponsor could be a new affiliate, but he/she should inform you that they are new and does not know anything. Thirdly, if you receive no joy from your sponsor then it is perfectly acceptable to contact the next person in your upline, or ask relevant questions in the forum, a2a members are a good source of information

How do you deal with PSAs who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?

3394 votes

Zenobia Gillion, Aff (South Africa) 1/6/2014 1:23 pm

Affiliate since: 10/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When they rate you, do they give feedback as to why they are rating you down?

Because ---
It could be highly possible that these PSAs are not very successful in applying what they should have learned from the SFI training materials while they are studying them, despite your unconditional support. And they may feel that you are to blame.

What they need to realize is that supposedly only 3% out of 97% of the 7 billion people on earth succeed in whatever they set their minds

What was your greatest challenge to success in SFI...and how did you overcome it?

3357 votes

Zenobia Gillion, Aff (South Africa) 5/18/2014 5:35 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
My biggest challenge/ obstacle to succeeding with SFI is myself. I was told by my spouse that I am wasting my time with SFI.

Truth be told, when the PSA and CSA, quit or never gets started, I do get despondend and I feel like giving up.

However, I am adamant to persist, and, to learn to grow personally and to succeed. Then, to help others grow personally.

I carefully and diligently read through the SFI training and other resources. And it really helps not to reinvent

How do you handle prospects and affiliates who expect to get rich fast?

3080 votes

Zenobia Gillion, Aff (South Africa) 5/6/2014 10:40 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to handle people with a strong need for instant gratification, is to ask them to opt out of your business. Your time and commitment to building your own business is too precious to waste on these types.

SFI is not for those who want to get rich quick, but for people who are serious about building a long term business that will be sustainable in the long run.

Having said this, one needs to know when to invest in your business and how. You cannot build a business

How can we shift from quantity to QUALITY with our sign-ups?

2537 votes

Zenobia Gillion, Aff (South Africa) 1/15/2014 3:25 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI Affiliate Quantity vs Quality Sign Ups

SFI is your business and how you approach it is entirely up to you. It also depends on how well you relate to other people.
In affiliate marketing there are various approaches and it depends entirely on your goal. Choosing an approach that suits you also depends on your personality and leadership ability.

Example: Affiliate Type A is comfortable with quantity. S/he prefers to cast the net wide and catch a lot of sign ups. Some