Hello Sebastine,
I like this question because I can relate to it very well. I too had times when I wondered if I was going anywhere with SFI and was so tempted to give up and find something else.
Starting the program wasn't so bad because the map was straight-forward. I read the directions and did what I was told. I read that it will take work but that I can do it and that while I just do it, to make sure I become aware of the duplication of my actions and to keep doing that because eventually I will need to teach it to others.
There were times when I felt discouraged. It was either taking too long or I must be doing something wrong. I thought to myself that I have so many other members doing the same thing I'm just learning how to do. They will help me. I started to communicate with my sponsor. We even spoke on the phone. That was awesome.
I needed the confidence that my sponsor had in me. He told me over and over that I can do this, that even though it takes time, what do I have to lose to just keep going? He clarified some concerns I had that set me on track. I also sat down and wrote down the skills I have that would become beneficial to my success in SFI. I realized that I have used these skills in so many other situations that have proven successful for me. That changed my perception of myself and my ability to have a business with SFI.
I believe that if my sponsor has faith in me, then I better have some faith in me as well. Having built up that faith in my abilities, I am finding the patience, endurance and excitement with each day that passes by in SFI.
When things get tough, I think about why came to SFI. I also think about what my sponsor told me about having faith in my abilities. I asked for tips and he gave them to me freely.
I do the same with my affiliates. I let them know how great they are doing. I encourage them to keep going and guarantee that if they work it, it will work for them. I let them know that they can have faith in their abilities to just keep doing it, to see the duplication happen and keep it going, and then to teach their affiliates the same. I also ask them "how many other businesses have you tried and quit? Perhaps the common ground in that is YOU. Do you believe you can do it? If yes, then do it and see it work."
I am surely not the guru of SFI. I have loads to learn but I have gone through this website over and over and still keep finding new things to learn. I sure hope this helps.
Hello Sebastine,
I like this question because I can relate to it very well. I too had times when I wondered if I was going anywhere with SFI and was so tempted to give up and find something else.
Starting the program wasn't so bad because the map was straight-forward. I read the directions and did what I was told. I read that it will take work but that I can do it and that while I just do it, to make sure I become aware of the duplication of my actions and to keep doing that