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How do you ensure that the TCards you send out are used...and what do you do when they are not?

6110 votes

Gifford Harris, Aff (Tennessee, US) 8/7/2014 3:38 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Their is no way to predict who is going to use the cards and who is not! I handed out 50 cards at my family reunion last month, and everyone said they would use them. To date none of them have. I passed out 50 the month before at a flea markets and I had 20 of them get used. So there is no way to predict who will use the gift cards and who won't. So good luck on finding a way to predict the future! If you find one let us all know!

What should I do when I receive inactive CSAs?

3521 votes

Gifford Harris, Aff (Tennessee, US) 12/23/2013 11:54 am

Affiliate since: 08/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi, All I can say is stay vigilant keep sending them team and personal messages, I know it's very rough to get someone motivated, as I have 108 PSA's and not one of them has done anything, but I haven't given up o them I send them weekly messages hoping something will work. So having in active CSA's that's not to bad but like I said stay vigilant and they might come around.

How do you handle being rejected over and over again when presenting the SFI opportunity to others?

2992 votes

Gifford Harris, Aff (Tennessee, US) 10/1/2013 6:07 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First you need to not look so stern put a smile on Loosen up. Then follow what was taught in your launch,SFI has given us a great product and many ways to market it. Getting anyone to trust anything online is tough. I myself as I'm sure many of you out there have been burned. You just need to take the time and show them some positive results. My wife still doesn't trust that this is not a scam but I just keep a positive attitude.

How do you get new PSAs to commit to SFI?

2808 votes

Gifford Harris, Aff (Tennessee, US) 12/31/2014 11:55 am

Affiliate since: 08/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I have been with SFI for 16 months , I have purchased over 700 PSA's and not 1 has completed their registration or even confirmed their email address, so I can understand what you are going through! There are no guarantee in life but I have found that starting a co-op and/or buying S-builder, also there are several web sites here at SFI where you can purchase PSA' or even win them in auctions. I hope this is helpful

In what creative ways are you planning to use the new JMT Gateway?

546 votes

Gifford Harris, Aff (Tennessee, US) 1/13/2015 5:54 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Caelan;
The first place I have been posting my new Join My Team, on Facebook, twitter and craigslist. I will also start adding it to all my new flyers, card and posters also in local market stores. Another avenue I plan is to place an ad in several local news papers. These are just a few steps I will be taking to publicize my new JMT site.