Am happy to see this question,apart form been an SFI affiliate,i think this has to be generally answered and as far am concern,there are somethings we should have in mind as follows
Have it in mind that the first impression you make at your new job counts for a lot and can help set you up for future success. To hit the ground running from day one, we offer the following suggestions and advice.
Before i proceed,let me ask you some question
Did you show up on time?
What are you wearing?
Do you display confidence and charisma?
Do you seem overwhelmed or ready for a challenge?
How well do you communicate?
What personal ideas did you put in your business?
Create a to-do list notebook -Like calendars, to-do lists are an easy but highly effective way to organize your tasks. There are a ton of different formats and styles of to-do lists. So make your own research for a way that makes sense to you, or simply write things down and cross them off when they’re done.
Don’t talk about how things used to be done at your old job- If this isn’t your first professional job, or you’ve had an internship in the same industry, don’t keep letting people know how you used to do things at your last job. Comparisons, even those that seem innocuous, can feel insulting to your new associates, annoy them, and put them on the defensive. It makes you seem more like a smug outsider than someone happy to be on a new team. .
Take the initiative in introducing yourself- So take the initiative in meeting others by yourself. Don’t put the onus on your downline;remember, you’re coming into their activities, not the other way around. One of the keys to success in your new business idea will be networking with others, building trust with your co-workers, and learning how to operate as a team – and that starts on the very first day.
Am happy to see this question,apart form been an SFI affiliate,i think this has to be generally answered and as far am concern,there are somethings we should have in mind as follows
Have it in mind that the first impression you make at your new job counts for a lot and can help set you up for future success. To hit the ground running from day one, we offer the following suggestions and advice.
Before i proceed,let me ask you some question
Did you show up