What an affiliate should do??? Well, to me I feel that an affiliate
should just focus on his/her business. In the first place, you didn't
join SFI because of your Sponsor, or is that your reason for joining?
I don't even know why SFI was setup this way, that one should be under
a Sponsor. To me, I don't even bother whether there is a Sponsor or not.
I just focus on doing my business.
Thanks to SFI for creating a2a friendship opportunity. One can always ask
questions and get helpful answers from this platform.
There is the forum as well, one can also get help or assistance therefrom.
Now let me ask you this question, assuming you heard about a place of which
when one gets to, his/her fortune will change for the better/best, and you've
seen people that have been there and have confirmed that what you heard is true
now someone offers to take you to that place and you happily joined that individual
hoping that he/she will be there for you all the way to your desired destination, only
for this person to abandon you without the journey even commencing. Now, will you
give up your quest to get to that place of change simply because this SPONSOR is not
forthcoming any more, or will you simply join others to get there since you know other
people are also heading towards that direction?
I want to encourage you my friend, to face and mind your business. Run your race for
nobody will run it for you. There are plenty other means to get what you might be looking
for or expecting from your SPONSOR.
What an affiliate should do??? Well, to me I feel that an affiliate
should just focus on his/her business. In the first place, you didn't
join SFI because of your Sponsor, or is that your reason for joining?
I don't even know why SFI was setup this way, that one should be under
a Sponsor. To me, I don't even bother whether there is a Sponsor or not.
I just focus on doing my business.
Thanks to SFI for creating a2a friendship opportunity. One can always ask