To every new EA among my PSAs (and sometimes, among downline, if I see/know there is someone who needs it), I'm sending 5TCs and/or gift certificate with $2. I always send a message, that it is not much, but enough for Pick-The-Price and for W3 starter kit. Then I explain what are the benefits from both.
Further, if I see that they are persistent, working and reading daily and have interests in promotion, I do some reassignments (at least inactive members, so they can start figuring out what sponsor is supposed to do). Hard working PSAs, in their second month, often need a little bit for EA2, so another gift certificate or some TCs for bidding is my next support.
From there on, as for me, that kinds of help are rare. Why? I think that, if one were active and have read all that is given to us, in third month must start to collect his/her results: realized sales and that way commissions AND VPs and VPs from their downline. Of course, they still may need some extra help, but if they followed tips, they should have some TCs acquired for free (from status, from games). With them, third month is easy. This way, it's easy to maintain EA while building the stable team.
Exceptions can be made, of course. But, in that case, you must be sure, that member of your team is the Worker, because we should work ONLY with the workers!
To every new EA among my PSAs (and sometimes, among downline, if I see/know there is someone who needs it), I'm sending 5TCs and/or gift certificate with $2. I always send a message, that it is not much, but enough for Pick-The-Price and for W3 starter kit. Then I explain what are the benefits from both.
Further, if I see that they are persistent, working and reading daily and have interests in promotion, I do some reassignments (at least inactive members, so they can start figuring out