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How can TripleClicks gift certificates be used to boost your SFI business?

31 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 1/27/2013 2:55 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
You must know that many people shopping online like bargains. They like to receive and to take advantage of special offers given to them by the persons they believe in. Now, if you have fund in your TripleClicks account, buy as many TripleClicks Gift Certificates as you want to offer them to your valuable affiliates. And doing so, it will create good interest from them to boost your SFI business. Then, your SFI’s activity will have good turnaround.

What Website-builder software/service would you recommend for building a personal SFI Website?

8 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 2/16/2013 4:52 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
As I have learned from experienced marketers, to have a good foundation in the marketing industry, you need to have your own domain setup. So, in my opinion, I will recommend Plug-In Profit Site of Stone Evans. One of the qualified top recruiters reckoned by the founder of SFI, Gery Carson. His website will help you even have 5 sources of income:

What should a new SFI affiliate focus on to ensure a good financial return in their first month?

6 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 1/25/2013 8:25 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
This is the kind of question I was asking myself in my spirit. Why? Because after joining SFI I was not doing what I have decided to this new year. Now, my answer is a SFI affiliate must consider it as his own business and have a burning small voice encouraging him saying:''Hey, you guy, learn something every day about your SFI business and you'll be rewarded as you are committed to do it without giving up''

Why does it seem like everyone who joins SFI think it's get-rich-quick?

5 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 2/14/2013 3:28 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
Considering the economic problem over the world that has caused many changes in the life of people, when someone has lost his daily job and is finding himself slave of uncountable debts about to be paid, what do you think such person can think upfront when he has discovered one opportunity on the Internet to make money? The first idea that motivates that individual is to make quick money so that he could repay his creditors or something else. But, when you show him an opportunity that will last,

What is your best way to motivate your downline?

4 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 2/10/2013 8:58 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
I must have enough time available to create a foundation of good and real relationship with my downline who have interest to work with me in SFI. I have to reverse their mind as it is always for the newbie entrepreneurs coming to the Internet looking for quick money telling them the truth about SFI. For example I will say to them that SFI is not another ''quick scheme'' money maker program online that you are looking for here. But, it is a real and legal business model to profit from. And you must

SFI's LaunchPad training provides great information and inspiration. Which of the 30 lessons is the most meaningful to YOU, and why?

3 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 1/27/2013 1:25 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
The SFI's LaunchPad training is one of the best investment that Mr Gery Carson the Founder of SFI has done. It is written in the christian's book (the Bible) that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving. And considering all the great work that has been done here, I believe that this guy knows exactely the secret of enjoying the labor of his hands. That is why he is doing all his best to bring something new via these 30 training lessons to help the new comers.

What's the best answer to give your affiliates when they ask you how to be successful with SFI without investing any money?

3 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 1/31/2013 10:25 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
This question is the big question from every newbie in the marketing industry today. Why? because many of them come to the Internet with zero budget and slave of uncountable debts to pay off. And my best and correct answer will be YES. But, you need to spend a lot of time and energy to work with Free advertising method for you to have success. After you have collected some money, you can reinvest a small portion of your earnings to paid version for the better results. But, you must be wise when you

Do you need to have your own website (if so, why) or are the Gateway websites provided by SFI adequate?

1 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 8/1/2012 10:49 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
It is always very important to have your own website designed according to your desire. But, it's very hard to do it if you are just a newbie. A FREE gateway from SFI is the good way to get started, then as you are getting experience, you can create your own website as a PRO out there.

I don't have time to do free advertising. What are the best paid advertising options?

1 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 9/5/2012 12:11 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
I suggest to have your Google Adword account and start your advertising with $10 as your daily expense. And note that you have to learn how to work with Google to avoid wasting your time and money.

What are the best ways to use the Prestige Domains offered by SFI?

1 votes

Aime Matunda Pero, Aff (Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The) 11/27/2012 5:10 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2016, Power Rank: 99999999
Can I put a banner of one of my affiliate links on my SFI prestige website?