Assigned to each SFI sponsor or Team Leader, a special central page at the Affiliate Center designed to help support, instruct, motivate, and inspire team members. Elements of your LP include: A brief greeting; contact information; your SFI badges; TeamTalk, Blog, and Recommendations sections; recognition of affiliates on your team, your best tip; and a "Rewards/Incentives" area. - Glossary definition: Leadership Page (LP).
From the Glossary definition of Leadership page (LP), it is clear that one of the reasons for setting it up is to motivate and inspire team members. The question then is how do one achieve this?
To Start with, as a Sponsor or Team Leader, you need to painstakingly develop your LP to be attractive, informative, educative and motivating.
The first thing to work on is giving a very captivating welcome to your team members. You want them to "feel" you as they land on your LP. Your greeting should be very warm and friendly. Express your willingness to work with them while showing your great success at this opportunity.
Ensure that your full contact details are available there. Your e-mail ids, your social networks id, your Skype, Telephone numbers and every other detail about you should be displayed for their use. Everybody that visits that page should be able to contact you easily one way or the other.
The very first Tab your visitors see on your LP is your Blog. This is a very critical part of your LP. It is no gainsaying that content is king! This is the place to inform, educate and motivate your team members. Your blog should include answers to Getting Started FAQ, How to become EA, EA2 and Team Leader, Secrets of successful SFI business, Detailed explanations about aspects of TripleClicks that enhance their growth e.g Eager Zebra Games, PriceBenders Auctions etc. There should be a great deal of Motivational Write Ups in your Blog also. You need to constantly add new topics and trendy things in your blog. It would go a long way in motivating and inspiring your team.
One of the ways of motivating team members is by organizing contests and offering rewards for milestone reached by your team members. Ensure there is an ongoing contest or reward at your LP. Reward them with PSAs, Gift Certificate, TCredits for attaining certain ranks, accumulating certain VersaPoints, recruiting a certain number of PSAs etc.
As the Sponsor or Team leader, your downline looks up to you for direction. At your "I Recommend" Tab, tell them the best business building products you use, your best SO products, your best nutritional products, good ECA's products etc. For starters they are always at a loss on where to start. Guide them through your LP.
Recognition is one of the ways of motivation and inspiration for more excellence. Ensure you add current recognition to this Tab. It doesn't speak well if all your members see is recognition of a feat a year back. Take your time to periodically update your LP so that your current achievers are recognized and dignified!
Many of our team members don't get to see our Best Tip. You need to ensure that when they come across it in your LP, they read and re read. Give them clear direction concerning their SFI business.
The worst thing that is real is that many of our team members don't even get to see our LP. You need to publicize your LP in your Stream talk, Team Mail, E-mail correspondence and every other means possible. Your LP url comes like this: Replace xxxxx with your SFI id.
If you specially and continually develop and promote your LP, you would be providing a veritable platform for motivating and inspiring your team members.
Assigned to each SFI sponsor or Team Leader, a special central page at the Affiliate Center designed to help support, instruct, motivate, and inspire team members. Elements of your LP include: A brief greeting; contact information; your SFI badges; TeamTalk, Blog, and Recommendations sections; recognition of affiliates on your team, your best tip; and a "Rewards/Incentives" area. - Glossary definition: Leadership Page (LP).
From the Glossary definition of Leadership page (LP),