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How can I use a PSA's Affiliate Profile to help him or her get off to a good start and become successful in SFI?

4497 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 2/16/2015 4:53 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello all,..

Use the affiliate profile to see:
First, what goals, "dreams", experience and so on does your PSA have ?
Second, Your PSAs VP Ledger and from that you can give some hints and tips.
Third, What can (s)he spend and then guide them wisely on HOW to spend that
and the list goes on..

Also advice your PSAs to fill in their COMPLETE profile including PSA/CSA greeting, Leadership page and so on..
The more you put out there the more people

How is SFI different or better than other affiliate programs?

4496 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 9/18/2014 5:23 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello All,..

Nice question,..

For me above ALL FACTS (will follow) the biggest and best difference is the FUN i have while building a business,..

I have tried many many other programs in the past 10 years that offered golden mountains but gave you head-aches and an even emptier wallet..

Since I knew SFI from early on I knew it was free.. Another great difference in comparison to other programs..

If only I knew SFI's FULL potential back then

Where are the best places and what are the best ways to get answers about SFI?

4475 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 2/16/2015 4:02 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello World !

The best places to get SFI related answers are OF COURSE our SFI Forum and the SFI Searchbox at the top right corner..

Having said this: SFI is (almost) 17 years active online so I BET you can also find TONS of info searching trough youtube..
Doing a google search for SFI Reviews or SFI info also brings you TONS of answers and information..

There aren't many questions that have not been asked and answered before..
So BEST place is SFI itself

What are some good incentive offers for prospects to encourage people to join my SFI team?

4467 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 8/1/2014 2:07 am

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Other then unlimited income possibilities, free entrance, free training material, free personal guidance, from sponsors all the way up to the BIG MAN himself ?

Free credits, Free VP's, very cool stuff to win, penny auctions like :$100+ worth of gold or silver for not even $5,- in fun to play auctions, ?

Having the chance to change your life, other people's life, create a team, make other people capable of achieving the same ?

Building online and offline friendships,

Should I or shouldn't I participate in the SFI PPA program?

4455 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 2/16/2015 3:34 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello All :)

This is an interesting question..
Me, as a math guy, I am not interested in the SFI PPA program for the simple fact that I rather have my PSAs for life..

But to make a point:
It is said that an average of 1% from your PSAs get real active..
Knowing that AND knowing the "rules" from the SFIPPA ( ) you can get a MAX of about $11 for a REAL ACTIVE PSA..

So if you know of ways to generate 100+ PSAs

How can I convince new affiliates of the importance of logging in at the Affiliate Center every day?

4428 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 8/1/2014 1:53 am

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
My opinion is that you can not convince people so easily. All you can try and do is show them that what you do and what you say is true,.

let the people you bring in see what the benefits are (if you can show some proof of that then use it) and then they should convince themselves.
I can teach people how to fish and cook but i cannot convince them to go out and really do it. It's up to them.. If the hunger is big enough they will go out and start fishing.

Don't try to hard

When do I know that I've become successful in SFI and TripleClicks?

4427 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 9/18/2014 5:49 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
My feeling of success came really really soon !!
I knew I was successful the moment I saw SFI's true potential and decided never to give up..
If you make that decision you are successful !! It is just a small matter of time to get there but that is a minor detail :) :)

Just be happy and do it YOUR OWN way,.. Then you are successful..

If you feel pressured, lost, helpless, unworthy, incompetent, used, underpaid, treated as a number, passed around like a mop then you

My approach to attracting new affiliates isn't working. What should I do now?

4413 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 8/1/2014 2:14 am

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Try something else.

Don't be afraid to TRY..
Spend 5 dollar on some advertising method,
Another 5 dollar on a other advertising method,
google for advertising methods and read reviews about them

Spend 25 dollars or so like that on 5 or more methods and wait a day or 2.
Then check your Hit Tracking tool to see which ad worked and which not.

Dump the ones that didn't work, keep the ones that did..

Now you can either spend more to the advertising

How can you determine what TripleClicks product(s) a person might be interested in?

4363 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 2/16/2015 3:56 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello world :)

Knowing the answer to this question is like having a personal ATM Machine :) You could literally print money if you knew this..

In retrospect, Simple "logics" tell us that people going to the gym are more interested in the vitamins and minerals SFI sells..
Also If I would like to market the "clothing" products from Tripleclicks, first thing I would look for is fashion blogs to place some advertising.
(These are merely examples that

Should I encourage or discourage my PSAs who want to become Team Leaders right away?

4359 votes

Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) 9/18/2014 5:31 pm

Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Mary,..

In my honest opinion ?? Neither one of them !!
It sounds silly coming from me but that is how I feel..

I think that all you should do is to support your PSA no matter what SHE or HE CHOOSES to do,..

Since SFI keeps teaching us that this is OUR business then it should be their own choice too.. If you advice them to wait with becoming TL you will be the one to blame when they find out they missed at least 58+ CSA's for NOT being TL ( 2nd home CSA's)for