Thanks for asking the wonderful question
I believe so many changes as taking place in the year 2015 and SFI is seeking all affiliates to start aiming in a better direction at developing their business and building their teams.
Well personally there will only be very few changes but very similar to what I have been doing but with a better strategy. So here are they
1. Intensify on recruiting more affiliates
SFI has recently included bonuses to encourage all affiliates towards takingbthe business seriously. I think there is no better means to convince someone than this, that a business will surely yield a second income. and here are the few ways I intend recruiting more affiliates
i. Purchase more S-Builder Co-op, without much stress this will yield new members which will be part of the team
ii. Participate in auctions such as PSAs and CSAs. With better strategies I could win more affiliates.
2. Develop a better Leadership Skill for the team
I guess to have my own team I need to gather strategies, on how to continue to grow as an effective leader, sponsor an active team of PSAs and CSAs, and earn MAJOR monthly income through SFI. These will include
i. Better communication through PSA and CSA mailer
ii. Rewards for active members of the group.
iii. Actively participating in the Forum and Eager Zebra games
iv. Positive attitude toward all affiliates regardless of their participation level toward growing the business.
v. A better Welcome for new PSAs, CSAs, and Second Home CSAs to the team.
vi. Congratulate new EAs and Team Leaders in the group.
vii. Recognize affiliates who've made it to the E365 finals.
viii. Recognize affiliates who've qualified as Fast-Track Members.
ix. Recognize affiliates who've won the Daily Grand.
3. Improve my Advertising Skill and Mediums
If I must reach as many as possible to become ECAs, PRM and PSAs then I must improve on the means of my advertisement. There will be competition amongst other affiliates company and to get other people attention my adverts must be attractive and positive. And here are things I'll do
i. Redesign my website or blog
ii. Get a better ad words for my ads and captions
iii. Use both FREE and PAID ads for advertisement.
4. Revisit my GOALS
Yes, there is no way I move forward without checking if am working towards my goals. My goal is my only objective at making as much profit in all my investment so, therefore
i. I repriotize my activities to meet my goals
ii. I work on my flaws and weakness to ensure I do not loss focus on the greater part of the business.
5. Alway complete my To-Do List
I have not always been consistent with completing my TO DO LIST and it has robbed me of much TL streaks and Versal Point. It is very important now that SFI has decided to reduce few Versal Points due to fraudsters to collect all available VP for each week else for refusing to collect 1VP could cost you a another level of TL, don't let that's happen. So,
i. Complete the daily actions
ii. Complete the weekly actions
iii. Participlate in the Spin and Win bonuses
5. Develop New Team Leaders.
Yes, as we know it you must produce some numbers of TL to reach another level of Team Leadership
Bronze Team Leader (BTL)
Minimum 3,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/2,000 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (1) first-level EA2
Silver Team Leader (STL)
Minimum 4,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/2,500 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (2) first-level BTLs
Gold Team Leader (GTL)
Minimum 5,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/3,000 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (3) first-level STL
Platinum Team Leader (PTL)
Minimum 6,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/3,500 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (4) first-level GTLs and etc, therefore I must saddle up my teams to becoming Team Leaders as well to earn more.
I guess there are part of the few area am going to work on for now, and hope it helps.